Write me Confessions! (anonym) | Schreibt mir Geständnisse! (anonym)

Please write me a/some confession(s).
Just write them anonymously in the comments below. I will never know who wrote it.
I think it will be really interesting and it is good to talk about confessions.
We all have things we wouldn't talk about because society would exclude and judge us. I'm so tired of it. 
Say what you want to! Say what you think! 
You won't regret it! Nobody knows who you are and you will feel a lot better.
Maybe I will comment your confession(s) but I won't write dumb things. Never fear.

By the way: This post is timeless. I hope this post will always get new confessions. ♥


Bitte schreibt mir ein/einige Geständnis(se).
Schreibt sie einfach anonym in die Kommentare unten. Ich werde nie wissen, wer es geschrieben hat.
Ich denke, es wird wirklich interessant und es ist gut, über Bekenntnisse zu reden.
Wir haben alle Dinge, über die wir nicht reden, weil die Gesellschaft uns ausschließen und verurteilen würde. Ich habe keine Lust mehr darauf!
Sagt was ihr wollt! Sagt was ihr denkt!
Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen! Niemand weiß wer ihr seid und ihr werdet euch viel besser fühlen.
Vielleicht werde ich eure Geständnis(se) kommentieren, aber ich werde nichts dummes schreiben. Keine Angst.

Übrigens: Dieser Post ist zeitlos. Ich hoffe, dieser Post wird immer wieder neue Bekenntnisse bekommen. ♥

Photo: Tumblr


  1. i am a belieber

    1. There is nothing wrong with liking Justin Bieber and his music.
      To be honest: I don't like him. But I don't hate him and his fans.
      I accept his fans until they don't want that I listen to it too. :D

  2. I have no friends. :(

    1. If you don't really have some friends get to know some people.
      Ask a clasmate/workmate, if he/she wants to go with you to the cinema.
      Join a club or add people on facebook or so. Go out, smile and just be nice to everyone.
      You will get a lot of friends. :)
      And I'm your friend :P

  3. ich hasse alle menschen

    1. Das Gefühl kenne ich, geht mir auch manchmal so. Manche Menschen sind wirklich toll, vergiss die anderen. Verlier niemals den Glauben in die Menschheit. Wir sind ja immerhin auch Menschen.
      Be the change you want to see in the world! ♥

  4. I feel like I am stupid because my family calls me it all the time, but my friends say different.

    1. That is really bad. Your family shouldn't treat you like this. You are not stupid! You are wonderful! ♥
      Be happy about your friends and don't believe your family. Even though it is hard.
      Maybe try to talk with your family, if you think it will get helps.
      Never forget how pretty you are!
      If you want to talk, I'm always here for you.

  5. I love him ..........
    he doesn't love me

    1. Ohhh. I know how you feel. But you will get better soon. You can't change your feeings and he can't change his.
      Cry and eat chocolate. You will soon see that the life is too short to be sad. You will find someone beautiful who loves you as much as you love him.
      You are strong! You will get through this! I believe in it, cutie. ♥

  6. Ich bin 19 und hatte noch keinen Freund und alle meine Freunde sagen es ist so weil ich hässlich bin..

    1. 1. Bist du ganz sicher nicht hässlich. Du hast halt noch nicht den richtigen gefunden. Du bist erst 19 und du wirst ganz sicher den richtigen finden. Aber es gibt wichtigeres als 'nen Freund zu haben, auch wenn's sich vielleicht im Moment ganz anders für dich anfühlt. :) Du solltest dich erst in dich selbst verlieben bevor du irgendjemand anderen liebst. Sonst machst du einfach alles für die Person, vergisst deinen eigenen Wert und wirst dich selbst verlieren.
      2. Was sind das für "Freunde". Man sollte niemanden als hässlich bezeichnen, besonders nicht wenn man mit ihr befreunde ist. Auf so welche Freunde solltest du verzichten. Die ziehen dich eh nur runter! Du verdienst was besseres! ♥

  7. i cry every night (nobody knows)

    1. Sometimes crying is the best thing you can do.. I want to hug you c: ♥
      Think about why you cry.. try to change the things that are bad, if you can't change them accept them and find the good things in it.
      I understand that you cry at night so your family don't know it. But talking about it is the best thing to do.
      Maybe tell a friends about it. If you think he or she won't judge you.
      Or talk to me about it. I'll do anything to help you. :)
      We'll go through this together! ♥

  8. ich bin dumm und hässlich und einfach überflüssig

  9. NOBODY likes me how Im

    1. I hate our society for it.
      You are perfect how you are! Just be yourself! And don't give a fuck about what they think about you!
      Don't try to be someone you aren't. If someone doesn't like you how you are, their loss. They don't have you in their life.
      I accept you how you are! And other people accept you too. :) ♥

  10. Ich heule jedes Mal wenn ich mich selbst im Spiegel sehe !

    1. Du bist wunderschön! Sehe es doch. Außerdem dein Charakter ist noch viel wichtiger als dein Aussehen.
      Jeder hat einen anderen Geschmack. Es gibt keine Vorgaben für "schön". Es gibt keine Vorgaben für "hässlich". Jeder definiert "Schönheit" anders.
      Jeder Mensch hat andere Stärken und Schwächen.
      Du musst den Rest deines Lebens in deiner Haut verbringen. Also solltest du dich wohlfühlen.
      Sei wer du sein willst und sei stolz auf dich. Akzeptiere dich selbst mit all deinen Fehlern.
      Was andere Menschen über dich denken sollte deinen Selbstwert nicht bestimmen.
      Aber wenn du dich selbst akzeptierst und das auch ausstrahlst (was du automatisch machen wirst), werden dich die meisten Menschen auch so sehen.

      Wenn du schreiben willst, ich bin immer für dich da! ♥ :)

  11. I don't like my girlfriend but I don't want to break up with her.

    1. When you don't love her why are you with her? I think she feels that you don't like her. And you both won't get happy so.
      Talk with her and maybe break up when you really don't love her. You hurt her much more when you stay together with her although you don't like her.
      Would you like to have a girlfriend which don't like you? I don't think so.

  12. I'm jealous of my friends just because they have dads........

    1. I think the dads of your friends aren't so perfect how they seem. I think they have many problems. Like every family has, no matter if they are children/child and dad & mom or dad & dad or mom & mom or just mom or just dad...

      Why don't you have a dad? :/
      He misses so much. I'm really sorry for him that he doesn't see that he has such a wonderful son/daughter.

      Don't be jealous. You have things they don't have and they have things you don't have. You want to be like them and they want to be like you.
      STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS! If you would be like them you wouldn't be yourself anymore. Everybody has a different life. You and your life is perfect how it is. With all strengths and weaknesses.
      Be thankful for what you have. I think you have a beautiful family, even if you don't have a dad.
      Stay strong, cutie! ♥

    2. My dad died three years ago......

    3. My deepest condolences. <3 It's terrible but I dont think that he would want that you are always sad because of it. :)

  13. Ich will ein Baby! Ich bin 20, hab meine Ausbildung noch nich fertig und würde niemals jetzt schon ein baby haben wollen. also irgendwie schon aber irgendwie auch nicht. :D Ich träume jeden tag davon dass ich irgendwann mal ein baby bekomme und ich will es dann immer süß anziehen und das kinderzimmer traumhaft einrichten! andere träumen von ganz anderen sachen... ich will später nur ein oder 2 babys bekommen und in einem schönen haus wohnen und Mami und Ehefrau sein.
    Wenn ich das meinen freundinnen erzähle sagen sie ich spinne. :D
    Aber ich werde definitiv warten bis ich meinem baby auch eine wunderschöne kindheit bescheren kann.
    schönes haus/wohnung schöne kleidung usw. is mir sehr wichtig.

    Finde diese Idee hier wirklich klasse. mir tun einige hier wirklich leid :(
    Viele Grüße!

    1. Aww, richtig süß. Ich glaube das geht aber den meisten Menschen (besonders den Frauen) so. Alleine schon wegen den ganzen kleinen niedlichen Klamotten und Schuhen und etwas zu haben was auf der Erde bleibt, wenn man stirbt. :3
      Ich find's aber gut dass du noch wartest. Irgendwann wird es dir fehlen so frei zu sein wie jetzt gerade. :3

      Dankeschön. Ja, mir auch :c
      Liebe Grüße <3

  14. I feel like I'm not good at anything.

    1. I think everybody is good at something.
      What do you always wanted to do but never did (because you have been afraid of it..)?
      Just try new things but keep hobbys you already have and like.
      If you have passion for something, you are automatically very good at it. <3
      I think you are good at many things. Never believe anyone who says something else, cutie! :)

  15. I ruin friendships, but I'm able to fix other people's ruined friendships.....

    1. Aww. Sometimes I'm like you.
      Some people are just fake and mad and you shouldn't be friends with them, you will just feel like shit.
      But if you lose friends through pointless controversial but really like each other and have fun together... talk about it! Say sorry although you think you didn't did anything wrong.
      I really like that you help other people. :) I think you are a good person. ♥

  16. I recently got an aids and syphilis test. I went back to the doctors to get the results. i wasn't nervous because i am a virgin in every aspect lol but i just wanted to get tested because you never know i guess and plus i'm kind of paranoid but anyway i went to get the results and from this woman who was giving them back and she also was giving condoms. she gave me my results which was negative and she tried to give me condoms but i was like i don't need those she said why i was like because i'm a virgin and dont have sex. She looked so confused. then why you get tested she asked. i said i just wanted to i'm kind of paranoid. she just looked away so confused. I thought it was so funny.

    1. Haha okay :D
      I think it isn't paranoid. It is good to get tested. :D

  17. Please don't do it!
    Life is beautiful :)

    Suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse. Suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better. ♥

    If you want to talk, just write/mail me :)


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