15 facts about me
1. Potato is my favorite word since 8 months :D 2. I hate it to take selfies. But I love it to photograph other people or thing. 3. 80% of my friends are guys. 4. I hate makeup. 5. I have two eye colors. My left one is gray-green. My right one is brown. When I was a child both were dark brown. 6. The more I go blind the brighter my eyecolor is. 7. With glasses or contact lenses the eyesight of my left eye is nearly 1% (of the possible 100%). 8. I want a kitten. *o* ♥ 9. I want to get many piercings and tattoos. 10. I'm addicted to Tumblr. ♥ 11. I got freckles & dimples. ^.^ 12. I love tacos but in germany there aren't companies like Taco Bell. :( 13. I would like to live in California. 14. Sometimes I cuddle with people I don't really know. 15. My hair grows really really fast. :o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Kartoffel ist mein Lieblingswort sei...