
Showing posts from July, 2013

15 facts about me

1. Potato is my favorite word since 8 months :D 2. I hate it to take selfies. But I love it to photograph other people or thing. 3. 80% of my friends are guys. 4. I hate makeup. 5. I have two eye colors. My left one is gray-green. My right one is brown. When I was a child both were dark brown. 6. The more I go blind the brighter my eyecolor is. 7. With glasses or contact lenses the eyesight of my left eye is nearly 1% (of the possible 100%). 8. I want a kitten. *o* ♥ 9. I want to get many piercings and tattoos. 10. I'm addicted to Tumblr. ♥ 11. I got freckles & dimples. ^.^ 12. I love tacos but in germany there aren't companies like Taco Bell. :( 13. I would like to live in California. 14. Sometimes I cuddle with people I don't really know. 15. My hair grows really really fast. :o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Kartoffel ist mein Lieblingswort sei...

Write me Confessions! (anonym) | Schreibt mir Geständnisse! (anonym)

Please write me a/some confession(s). Just write them anonymously in the comments below. I will never know who wrote it. I think it will be really interesting and it is good to talk about confessions. We all have things we wouldn't talk about because society would exclude and judge us. I'm so tired of it.  Say what you want to! Say what you think!  You won't regret it! Nobody knows who you are and you will feel a lot better. Maybe I will comment your confession(s) but I won't write dumb things. Never fear. By the way: This post is timeless. I hope this post will always get new confessions. ♥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitte schreibt mir ein/einige Geständnis(se). Schreibt sie einfach anonym in die Kommentare unten. Ich werde nie wissen, wer es geschrieben hat. Ich denke, es wird wirklich interessant und es ist gut, über Bekenntnisse zu reden. Wir h...

Summer holidays & school report ♥ | Sommerferien & Zeugnis ♥

Aloha babes! ♥: D Since yesterday we have summer holidays. * - * I think it's really good. So i have time to relax, but I will totally miss some people.  I have no idea what I should do in the next 6 1/2 weeks. Almost all of my friends are on vacation. Only me not. Lame. So I will spend a lot of time with me. Shopping, taking photos, blogging, going swimming, getting tanned,  face packs and maybe a bit of sport or cooking. I am already bored. ^. ^ Yesterday we got our school reports. I was totally afraid of my report. I thought that the grades are worse because I was not often there because of migraines. My teacher said it's a very good report. And it seems to be quite well. We don't get grades. We get totally long reviews. I would rather get grades. But every teacher seems quite happy about me, especially my class teacher. I act the most of the time very annoyed and iffy. I slang the teacher when he annoys me. But he thinks I'm very friendly and confident an...

Crazy Factory - Haul & Experiences

Crazy Factory is my absolute favorite online shop for piercings and jewelry. The selection is huge, the prices are much better than in other piercing shops and the quality is usually good too. I really like that the most jewelry is very unusual. I spend there a way too much money. :D The delivery time takes 3-6 business days. I think that's okay. I think the wholesale packs  are totally useful. Because I always drop the balls of the pins in my lobes (ear hole), so I order always 50 balls , because so I have a small stock and save money. I think the plugs and tunnels there are really cool. Just because of them I sometimes feel like to stretch my ears. :3 Anyone who likes cool and crazy jewelry at cheap prices should check out Crazy Factory. :) You probably still know that I got my belly button pierced six weeks ago. Naturally I ordered a lot of jewelry for my belly button piercing this time. Thihihi :) ♥ I don't want to change the jewelry in the piercing now, because...

I want to marry food!♥ Random Photography #3

I love food and I love to photograph food! *-* ♥ Lately I eat each day around 8000-14000 kilocalories. Every day a few bars of chocolate! *-* But I don't increase in weight. ^.^ Food > People Ich liebe Essen und ich liebe es Essen zu fotografieren! *-* ♥ In letzter Zeit esse ich am Tag zwischen 8000 und 14000 Kilokalorien. Jeden Tag ein paar Tafeln Schokolade! *-* Aber ich nehme davon kein bisschen zu. ^.^ Essen > Menschen I love margarita pizza! ♥_♥ Ich liebe Margarita Pizza! ♥_♥ Pasta *-* Omnomnomnomnonm ♥ Cacao *o* Kakao *o*   They are so delicious *.* Die sind so lecker *.* Yum! Chio Tortilla-Chips ♥ These cookies looked really delicious but they aren't. They don't have much chocolate. :( Die Kekse sahen wirklich lecker aus, aber sind es nicht. Die haben nicht viel Schokolade. :( Sorry, the light is strange. ò.Ó Tut mir leid, das Licht ist seltsam. ò.Ó What happened after I uploaded ...

Severe Thunderstorm

On the 20th June was a severe thunderstorm here in Bochum (Germany). It started just after my school finishes. It started to rain heavily. My mother picked me up and on the way home it was like a bad horror movie. You could not see anything, you could hear the hail on the roof popping and it was almost completely dark (even though it was afternoon). Our whole basement was full of water. We can throw away the things that were in it. The road turned into a river, you could not even see the sidewalk. (second last picture) And the pond on the last picture wasn't there before. Am 20. Juni war bei uns in Bochum ein starkes Unwetter. Es begann gerade als ich Schulschluss hatte. Es fing an stark zu regen. Meine Mutter holte mich ab und auf dem Nachhauseweg war es wie in einem schlechten Horrorfilm. Man konnte nichts sehen, man hörte den Hagel auf das Autodach knallen und es war fast ganz dunkel (obwohl's Nachmittag war). Unser ganzer Keller war voller Wasser. Die Sachen die dadr...