Blogging again?
Okay, I know that I haven’t written a lot on this Blog this year and I am really sorry for that. I have had a lot of troubles and then there is this problem with my lack of creativity. To be honest I have thought of quitting because I lack the time and the ideas to let this blog live on and I am sure every blogger of you has had the feeling that what you are doing is for nothing and that you are just wasting your time. (Wow that sounds kind of depressing…) But my blog is also a part of me and I also need a “task”. And I don’t mean that I want to distract myself with this task, it’s just something that I can call my own. A project that is 100% “me” and is a reflection of my thoughts. Everything else is a waste of time in my eyes and with this blog I can at least reread the things that I have “wasted” my time with. If it's possible I don’t want to let this blog die. My big problem is just that I don’t know what to upload so be prepared to see a lot of brain-barf. I also negl...